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Friday, November 6, 2015

Bugs!! OMG bugs!

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Bugs... Yes, bugs. I hate them and fear them, like A LOT. Of course I was expecting to find bugs in Japan but... Definitely I was not expecting them to be that HUGE, neither for them to be EVERYWHERE and the most important thing: I was not expecting to have that many close encounters of the 3rd kind!!

I live in constant fear v__v

 Just to mention few of'em. I had a very scary (yet funny) adventure to get a giant cicada out of my room and another one with a huge flying roach in the kitchen!! I made some pretty fancy matrix moves in order to dodge them when they flew, not sure how but, I managed to get them out safely. These dudes were so damn big that no way I risk to get near them to spray them (well... If I had a bug spray lol). And then you have flying big bugs EVERYWHERE, so I am constantly and randomly making weird dodging moves while walking in the street, it's embarrassing but I cannot help it LOL.