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Friday, November 6, 2015

Bugs!! OMG bugs!

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Bugs... Yes, bugs. I hate them and fear them, like A LOT. Of course I was expecting to find bugs in Japan but... Definitely I was not expecting them to be that HUGE, neither for them to be EVERYWHERE and the most important thing: I was not expecting to have that many close encounters of the 3rd kind!!

I live in constant fear v__v

 Just to mention few of'em. I had a very scary (yet funny) adventure to get a giant cicada out of my room and another one with a huge flying roach in the kitchen!! I made some pretty fancy matrix moves in order to dodge them when they flew, not sure how but, I managed to get them out safely. These dudes were so damn big that no way I risk to get near them to spray them (well... If I had a bug spray lol). And then you have flying big bugs EVERYWHERE, so I am constantly and randomly making weird dodging moves while walking in the street, it's embarrassing but I cannot help it LOL.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

The ultimate test

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No way I can apologize enough but...I'm either too busy or too tired these days to edit comics v__v It takes lots of hours of work so it's tough. Anyways I'll try to keep up as much as possible.

Something that gets me a little on my nerves from Japan is the fact that if you go to a combini (convenience store), department store or restaurant. EVERY employee that spots you will greet you with the infamous いらっしゃいませ (Irasshaimase) and if you are standing in a small or medium size business, one employee's greet is like an alarm that will consequently get everyone else screaming "irasshaimase" from wherever they are. It can get really loud and it can get really tiring if you are trying to peacefully relax while shopping or eating in a restaurant.

You are not expected to answer or even to react to such greetings, japanese people won't even look at these guys. But personally I feel awful not to at least let them know that I've acknowledge their prescence.

Getting back to the comic subjetc. I never even got the chance to practice karate as a kid, so no way someone will buy it, had I put myself as a character in this comic LOL. So Taiyaki-san will be a useful little guy whenever I need extras. In case you are wondering: Taiyaki is a fish shaped cake with filling that can range from sweet beans to green tea ice cream. My personal favorite is sweet cream Taiyaki, better yet if it's still warm. Yummy!! :D

Friday, September 25, 2015

Looking for funky looks

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Sorry! Your dumb author has been crazy busy these days. I have another comic almost ready so you can have 2 this week and the normal one by the end of the week... And I still owe you one more T--T FML 

Possibly the most unimportant and vain thing you can ever read about LOL... But I find pretty funny that is nearly impossible to see a car with an actual color, meaning, one car that is not gray, black or white.  Sometimes you get to see a very dark blue and that is as colorful as it gets. I even saw a white Ferrari... I didn't even know such a boring color was available for a Ferrari LOL.

It is sad 'cause I like funky color cars D:

VW is soooo not popular in Japan, never thought I would walk in a country with almost  no VWs out there.

And of course there are no old cars. I must admit I once saw a classic Rolls Royce, no idea what year it was, but it was very old, of course it was a collection car in flawless condition, so it doens't count as an "old car".

Monday, August 31, 2015

Mokey sees, monkey... Dafuq is that?

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OMFG I could write a book of complains and bad impressions outta this LOL. I swear I'll try to be brief.
So I got a ticket for a Visual Kei concert... if you are not familiar with it, let's just say that the groups make an effort to also cause a visual impact with their looks, so their clothes are really awesome and full of details. The music can  go from electronic to very heavy metal.
That being said I personally like metal bands with a lil' of gothic style in it. Needless to say I was so happy to finally experiece "the real thing"
After all it was a bitter-sweet experience... I still have nightmares about the freakin' para-para dance in a metal concert!! Since when do we need someone coaching the crew to let them know when to headbang!!?
 I guess japanese people is so strict about control and order that concerts are no exception, so a set "choreography" must do instead of... Actually letting people enjoy the music and the feeling?
The worse thing about this is that the para-para grupies don't even look like they enjoy the concert, each one of them was excited with one of the presenting bands (there were many) and for the most part of the event you could see their pocker-fuc* off-face... I mean, if you are going to para-para the whole freaking event, you better do it right or get away from the front lines and let someone alse enjoy the show. *SIGH*
I am seriously not sure if I'd like to attend another event like this for what's left of my stay.
BTW Music was good LOL

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

On fire


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A lot of women in Japan are worried about their skin tone, a whiter skin is said to be more attractive, you can find several cosmetic products to whiten the skind and some other products to cuver yourself up from sun rays when you are out.

There are 2 levels: 
1. Women with sleeves or a sweater made of a light fabric, accesories can be one or various from: hats, light scarfs umbrella and/or face mask. 
2. People who is toootally unprepared for summer, but still concerned about their skin, who wander around with huge jackets (winter jackets), I've seen people wearing mittens or gloves and wool accesories like capes, scarfs and gloves. This people probably die of heatstroke and dehydration before reaching their destination v_v

At first I thought people was overreacting about getting tanned. But after I myself got a skin tan worth 7 days in Cacun, Mexico in only 3 or 4 sunny summer days in Tokyo... I realized this tanning thing is serious business LOL. Now I do cover myself up a bit, pretty much just cap and sleeves and yes, lots of sunscreen.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Scary business


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And of course I had to get the "special" location dorm, and by that I mean that the dorm building is right infront of a small cementery, which makes me a little nervous. But honestly people speaking to me in japanese is scarier than ghosts or any kind of spiritual being.

So mr. Ghost is (up to now) mere fiction and I hope it stays that way  >__>

Anyways, Tokyo people don't seem to be troubled by the fact of having cementeries nearly EVERYWHERE. Serously! there are small cementeries here an there between buildings, large cementeries infront of schools and my  personal favorite, one near Ueno which is pretty much like a nice park to take your dog out, do some jogging, take a relaxing walk outside or just... You know, enjoy the cementery view, 'cause that is not weird at all.

Not sure if the comic's resolution is convenient. If not, your comments would be much appreciated

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Unequipped and poor author

*Cuts ribbon with cheap scissors*
I would like to use the first post to ask everyone for their patience and mercy.

I would normally do this kind of artwork in the computer, but you know... Studing abroad requires a BIG luggage with the most vital goodies for your everyday life, and naturally, my tablet was not on the list.

I bet you are thinking "Buy one and problem solved!"

Well, as much as I would love to, I am as poor as one can be... Seriously, I feel like crying whenever I think of my bank account.

So please bear with me as I will be doing this INKING, which is something I do not have much experience with so bare with my shaky lines and obvious inability to keep the ideal thinkness of lines. And special apologies 'cause: you might had figured out by now that I didn't bring a scanner in my luggage either, soooooo... Cellphone picture to the comic frames is about all you get for a while! At least 'till I get a part-time job.

Thnks for your understanding :)